Our Talent Pool? 75+
Early Career Prodigies

Our Talent Pool? 75+
Early Career Prodigies

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AI & Data Experts

At AISBACH, we firmly believe in the potential of emerging talents who are at the forefront of the ongoing AI revolution.

Our Talent Pool forms an exclusive selection of skilled individuals in the fields of Software, ML & Data Engineering, as well as AI-Business Strategy, who have already amassed a wealth of professional experience early in their careers.

At AISBACH, we firmly believe in the potential of emerging talents who are at the forefront of the ongoing AI revolution. Our Talent Pool forms an exclusive selection of skilled individuals in the fields of Software, ML & Data Engineering, as well as AI-Business Strategy, who have already amassed a wealth of professional experience early in their careers. Please find a selection of our talent listed below:

TUM | AISBACH Co-Founder, Business & AI Strategy at TUM, Research at NYU

TUM | AISBACH Co-Founder, interned as ML Engineer at Roland Berger and Deloitte

TUM | AISBACH Co-Founder, McKinsey Intern, AI in medicine at Helmholtz Institute


TUM | Harvard Master Thesis, ML-Operations at appliedAI, interned at Magazino Robotics


TUM | PhD candiate in Federated Learning for connected vehicles, DENSO, Flower Labs


HEC | RWTH Aachen, Data Science at AWS, Strategy Consulting at Roland Berger, Deloitte


TUM | autoML research, Risk Analytics at PwC, background in banking, app-dev. at ZEISS


TUM | Financial Engineering at Scalable Capital, former intern at Amazon, PwC and UBS


TUM | former visiting AI Software Engineer at BCG Gamma, Analytics intern at Amazon


LMU | Cambridge, former Research Assistant at TUM's MIRMI AI-Insitute


TUM | PhD candiate, AI in medicine researcher, autonom. driving & IOT; project management


TUM | CDTM, 3-year Software Engineer at Unite, interned at TUM MRI, GraphNN Expert


TUM | Computer Vision Intern at Audi and Airbus, former AI-Strategist at appliedAI


TUM | UZH, Data & AI Strategy Consulting at statworx, formerly Capgemini Invent


TUM | NLP ML-Engineer at DynaGroup, former Software Engineer at
Iteratec, Bertrandt


TUM | Junior AI Engineer at appliedAI, former Data Scientist at Amazon and Check24


TUM | R&D at Roche, Helmholtz Institute Chemometrics, Data Analytics in Chemistry


TUM | NUS, Database System Engineering at Celonis, TUM's Umbra and RisingWave Labs


TUM | AI Robustness research at Fraunhofer IKS, Data Scientist at Burda Forward Media

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